
Gabriele Schlesselmann presents two painting series by Gabriele Schlesselmann. The artwork comprises figurative and abstract compositions that address existential questions and are open in their pictorial expression.

Series in shades of red

Gabriele Schlesselmann's artwork focuses on both personal and philosophical issues. On a formal level, the relationship between figure and space remains the main motif of the paintings. Foreground and background merge into one another in varied compositions, causing the boundaries between figuration and abstraction to disappear. Through multi-layered colour overlays, the surroundings of the painted motifs appear like a physical reality.  

Abstract painting. Title: Embraced by Pink, 2019, oil on bristol board, 29 x 5 cm
In the middle is the apex, 2019, acrylic and oil on Bristol board, 29 x 8 cm. Motiv: abstract figure in space, in red and orange.
[Translate to English:] double bind – Doppelbindung, 2019, Öl/Bristolkarton, 29x15 cm.
  • Image 1: Embraced by Pink, 2019, oil on bristol board, 29 x 5 cm
  • Image 2: In the middle is the apex, 2019, acrylic and oil on Bristol board, 29 x 8 cm
  • Image 3: double bind - Doppelbindung, 2019, oil on Bristol board, 29 x 15 cm

Water cannon

In the series The Impact, white paint hits fleeing or falling bodies like a violent mass. The title and motif point to the use of water cannons as long-range weapons, as used by the police in confrontations at demonstrations. Before the fall of communism, Gabriele Schlesselmann experienced the power of such a water jet on her own body. In the small-format series, the clash of matter has a violent effect despite the restrained use of colour.

Water canon series: The impact 1, 2019, Mixed media on wood, 14,5x26 cm
[Translate to English:] Wasserwerferserie: Der Aufprall 2, 2019, Mischtechnik auf Holz, Format: 14,5x26 cm.
[Translate to English:] Wasserwerferserie: Der Aufprall 3, 2019, Mischtechnik auf Holz, Format: 14,5x26 cm.
[Translate to English:] Wasserwerferserie: Der Aufprall 4, 2019, Mischtechnik auf Holz, Format: 14,5x26 cm.
[Translate to English:] Wasserwerferserie: Der Aufprall 5, 2019, Mischtechnik auf Holz, Format: 14,5x26 cm.
[Translate to English:] Wasserwerferserie: Der Aufprall 6, 2019, Mischtechnik auf Holz, Format: 14,5x26 cm.
[Translate to English:] Wasserwerferserie: Der Aufprall 7, 2019, Mischtechnik auf Holz, Format: 14,5x26 cm.
[Translate to English:] Wasserwerferserie: Der Aufprall 8, 2019, Mischtechnik auf Holz, Format: 14,5x26 cm.
  • Image 4 – 11:Water canon series 1 ­– 8: The impact, 2019, mixed media on wood, 14,5 x 26 cm

The Impact: Media Diversity

The painterly series The Impact with its diverse representations of water jets forms the subject of the video work White. The artist's preference for alternating sharpness and blurriness reaches new dimensions in the digital format. Rhythmic image sequences and minimalist musical parts determine the tempo, which is interrupted in between by a black monitor. 

Mixed media on wood
[Translate to English:] Mischtechnik auf Holz
[Translate to English:] Mischtechnik auf Holz
[Translate to English:] Mischtechnik auf Holz
  • Img 12 – 15: Water canon series 9, 10, 11 und 14: The impact, 2019, Mixed media on wood, 14,5 x 26 cm
mixed media on wood
[Translate to English:] Mischtechnik auf Holz
  • Image 16 – 17: Water canon series 15, 16: The impact, 2019, mixed media on wood, 14,5 x 26 cm
Mixed media on wood
[Translate to English:] Mischtechnik auf Holz
  • Image 18 – 19: Water canon series 18, 21: The impact, 2019, mixed media on wood, 14,5 x 26 cm

Gabriele Schlesselmann

Born in Plön, the North German artist spent nine years of her early youth in Turkey. Gabriele Schlesselmann played both piano and flute for many years and also sang in the Berlin Concert Choir before the fall of the Berlin Wall. Despite her musical talent, she decided to study fine arts at the then Hochschule der Künste Berlin. 

After successfully participating in various scholarship programmes in Paris and Berlin, Gabriele Schlesselmann taught at the Berlin University of the Arts. Cooperations with composers and a loudspeaker manufacturer testify to an interest in combining different sensory experiences. Analogous to music, rhythm and intervals play essential roles in her painting series and video works.